Bringing User Experience Competence to SMEs

Photo: © Milena Mayer

“PUMa” was a multi-year research project to bring usability and user experience capabilities to German software-developing SMEs.


Alongside project partners with backgrounds in psychology, business and IT, ma ma provided expert design knowledge and hands-on design expertise.


In Germany, SMEs tend to have a strong focus on engineering rather than issues like usability and user experience. The objective of the project was to devise ways to connect experts from the usability and user experience space with SMEs. The project called for new approaches to software development and competitive business value creation by emphasizing human-centered design in development.


Within the scope of the project, we developed tools and platforms capable of making the expert knowledge and experience of design accessible for SMEs.

Funded by



  • Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft, TU Darmstadt
  • CAS Software AG, Karlsruhe
  • Seniorprofessur für Multimediatechnik, TU Dresden
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
  • Research Project
  • Expert Network
  • Platform Design
  • User Experience

One intervention of the project was the “Praxistag Mittelstand-Digital”, where experts and companies can connect and share experiences.

Photo: © Milena Mayer

Prototype of the platform for connecting businesses with design experts.

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Want to know more?

ma ma Interactive System Design
Gutzkowstrasse 7 HH
60594 Frankfurt am Main

+49 (0)69 7930 6622

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“We think in generalities, but we live in detail.” —Alfred North Whitehead